
Groupe de travail maladies professionnelles de l'Andeva


Groupe de travail maladies professionnelles de l'Andeva
Mar, 24. octobre 2017, 10:00 h - Mer, 25. octobre 2017, 16:00 h
categorie test


implementation of JEvents that really shows off how flexible JEvents and the club addons are. It requires careful configuration of the JEvents addons and a number of template overrides and custom CSS files.
Unfortunately it is too complex to describe in detail how to implement this sort of site in an article but if you are interested in recreating something similar then please send us a message in the JEvents forum and we can discuss how we may be able to work with you to implement these types of features on your site.
professional implementation of JEvents that really shows off how flexible JEvents and the club addons are. It requires careful configuration of the JEvents addons and a number of template overrides and custom CSS files.
Unfortunately it is too complex to describe in detail how to implement this sort of site in an article but if you are interested in recreating something similar then please send us a message in the JEvents forum and we can discuss how we may be able to work with you to implement these types of features on your site.